Media Kit
Newsday and

Long Islanders
and the LI business
community for 85 years
Delivering an Exclusive and Integrated Audience
For 85 years, local businesses and nationally recognized brands have turned to Newsday to market their products and services to the affluent, Long Island, New York market. Today, Newsday’s trusted content engages our audience 24/7 across all platforms – print, digital, streaming and events.
Our Audience
Newsday Print/Digital Weekly Audience- Nearly 1 million weekly readers
- $132,307 median HHI
- 69% are college educated
- 73% of Newsday’s Long Island adult audience owns
their own home - 24% have children in the household
brand awareness and increase sales. Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2024 (Release 2).
Base: Nassau and Suffolk Counties Integrated Newspaper Audience

Newsday – Print
- 19 Pulitzer Prizes for award-winning journalism
- 95% of print circulation is home delivered
- 7 regional zones for targeted delivery – Digital
- 59.5 million average monthly page views
- 2.4 million average monthly unique visitors
- 46 million average e-edition monthly page views
- 96,600 average e-edition monthly unique visitors
- 82% traffic on mobile
- Over 11 minutes time spent

Themed Sections
Each day, Newsday offers topical content of interest to Long Islanders. Covering home, family, business and entertainment, Newsday themed sections help Long Islanders live their best lives.
Niche Publications – Print & Digital
Newsday offers a variety of topical and themed content across a diversity of special interest sections and websites.
Brand360 Branded Content Studio
Brand360, Newsday Media Group’s custom content studio, helps clients tell the story of their product or service message to qualified audiences in a way that is informative, entertaining, and immediately actionable.
Newsday LIVE
Connect with Long Islanders at Newsday Live and Signature events. Category-exclusive sponsorship opportunities are available at:
- Popular in-person events featuring notable authors, musicians, culinary masters and others at Newsday’s Studio 2 audience space
- Newsday’s annual Marching Band Festival and Cheer Fest events celebrate Long Island high school students and the communities that support them

Newsday Productions
Newsday Productions offers a range of staging options, state-of-the-art equipment and an award-winning production team to ensure the success of every type of multimedia projects – from ideation through post-production, with streaming video and recording capabilities.
- Studio 2 Immersive Audience Space
- High Fidelity Podcast Booth
- Photography Studio

Newsday Digital Marketing Services
Newsday Digital Marketing Services is designed to increase your online presence and deliver more customers through an array of digital marketing services and strategies. In addition to basics like website creation and paid search, we offer advanced capabilities for mobile marketing, social media and reputation management.